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Cardiopulmonary Health

The cardiopulmonary system -heart, blood vessels and lungs- is essential to life itself through the intake and flow of oxygen, water and nutrients to every cell in the body. Similarly, this system helps gather and expel toxins from the tissues so that your body is not weighed down by garbage.

Like a finely tuned machine, when the cardiopulmonary system is working at peak levels, your body can do just about anything you want it to do. You can think clearly, move easily, breathe freely and carry on your daily activities without a second thought about it.

How It Works

What if this system is compromised? What happens if some parts of your body (or even the heart itself) cannot get what it needs to keep going? Fatigue, breathlessness, brain fog, sore muscles or joints, injuries, exercise intolerance, sometimes even as dramatic as heart attack or stroke.

The scary part is, sometimes, problems with this system are completely silent until something bad happens. And there are a lot of factors that can compromise this system-diet, lifestyle, genetics, sleep, weight, blood problems, autoimmune disorders....the list goes on and on.
But, you can ahead of cardiopulmonary dysfunction by early detection and correction of potential problems.

With the detailed cardiac analysis that the Atone MD providers use, we can help you to find broken parts and fix them long before they have a chance to affect you.

We can identify genetic risk factors and help you take action to avoid the consequences of these predetermined instructions. We can optimize the function of the lungs by helping to clear out passages from damage caused past infections or inflammation.

If ever there was a optimal life insurance policy, taking care of this system would certainly be it! Let us help you take the first steps to keep you running at peak performance for your entire life!

Health and Beauty in One Place

At Atone MD, we offer expert medical care and advanced aesthetic treatments for your total well-being. Book your appointment today and discover a new level of confidence!

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